
Gluing Feathers On a Dead Duck Won't Help It Fly

Watch This Powerful Video

Dr. Christian Overman | May 20, 2024

The "Dead Duck" video above was written by Christian Overman with "a little help from his friends," Kathy Overman, John Morrison and Pete Talbott. Many thanks to Pete Talbott for voicing the audio.

The video is based upon Dr. Overman's 1989 best-selling book, "Assumptions That Affect Our Lives." To read a sampling of this book, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Assumptions-That-Affect-Our-Lives-ebook/dp/B0091W754M/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2ZCL9QRXY8BHH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mLS7oQaiEWjHWRgCNjCAfmuA2VKodAoRL7EU3Y0VXz0XGeICit_uUMTCluv89auYwhS74tFNZHs6eqXSJO2ZoA.N4nBEWL3OEpaP1VbGkEZTwMjDGjKpej293ElvNfA290&dib_tag=se&keywords=assumptions+that+affect+our+lives+by+christian+overman&qid=1716221365&sprefix=assumptions+that+%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-3

For personalized coaching in getting a Christ-honoring learning center set up in your church or your community, check out the services of RenewaNation at https://www.renewanation.org/startups

The following short videos are also recommended:

"Why is Western Civilization Collapsing?" https://rumble.com/v3p9b72-why-is-western-civilization-falling.html

"An Urgent Appeal to Educators" https://rumble.com/v3p8wl2-an-urgent-appeal-to-educators.html

"Critical Theory, a Thought-Virus Pandemic" https://rumble.com/vtfpoq-critical-theory-a-thought-virus-pandemic.html

"The Critical Role Context Plays in Authentic Education" https://rumble.com/v3pabet-the-critical-role-context-plays-in-christian-education.html

"Are You a Christo-Supremist?" https://rumble.com/v3pbo7r-are-you-a-christo-supremist.html

Please visit Dr. Overman's Rumble channel, "Clear Thinking in Confounding Times," at https://rumble.com/c/c-5033672

In the “Dead Duck” video, a statement is made to the effect that God did not gave the earth over to Satan. But one portion of Scripture that may immediately come to mind for many viewers is the incident recorded in Luke 4:5-6, where Satan takes Jesus to the top of a high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world, saying, “I will give you all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I want.”

The question, is, when Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worshipping him, was this a legitimate offer? Consider the source. The gall of Lucifer is abundantly on display when he offers to Christ what already belongs to Him!

But some might say, “The Bible clearly says Satan in the god of this world!” [2 Cor. 4:4]

We must understand that in the Scriptures, the word “world” [translated from the Greek word "kosmos"] has several meanings. At times, it refers to creation, such as in the biblical phrase “from the foundation of the world.” At times it refers to the populated regions, such as when Paul wrote, “your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world.” But sometimes the word “world” has nothing to do with physical creation, geography or demographics. It is used to denote a way of life or a system of thought which is contrary to the will and ways of God. This is the "world-system." A person “of the world” is one whose source of approval is of the earth (from below) rather than of heaven (from above), that is, from man or Satan, rather than from God.

Yes, Satan is the god of this world-system. Yes, he is the ruler of this world (system) that runs contrary to the will and ways of God, but there is only one Owner of Planet Earth, and only one King. His name is Jesus. There is no room on the throne for two. Christ’s authority rests over the whole of heaven and earth, right now. If we get this wrong, dualism comes easily.

A Christian’s detachment or withdrawal from the physical world runs counter to responsible stewardship over it. Our calling as humans is to interact with the material world according to the will and ways of God, doing His will on earth as it is in heaven, occupying until He comes.

Our challenge, then, is to learn to engage in economics, law, medicine, science, the media, civil government and the arts “Christianly.” We need economists who will manage money Christianly, governors who will govern Christianly, and plumbers who will plumb Christianly. We can no longer afford to limit our understanding of God’s Kingdom to the church or beyond the grave.

In abdicating our responsibility, Christians have created a cultural vacuum of labor, influence, and leadership which the ungodly have come in to fill. The fact is, someone is going to exercise rulership in the earth. If not the godly, then the ungodly.